Foto album izrade diorame In the Ghetto

Marko Paunović, 27.03.2020.

Tijekom ovog razdoblja socijalnog distanciranja uzrokovanog virusom COVID-19, nastojat ćemo objaviti što više tutoriala (korak-po-korak) i hobby članaka koje su izradili naši članovi ili članovi FB grupe Miniature Painters Croatia.

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Ovo je foto album koji prati izradu diorame pod nazivom In the Ghetto. Dioramu je izradio Marko Paunović i ona je osvojila prvo mjesto u kategoriji Duel/Diorama na ovogodišnjem natjecanju Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition.

Zgrada i baza su izrađeni iz betona i gipsa. Svi detalji, poput ograde, šahta su nastali u samoizradnji bilo lijevanjem, skulpturiranjem ili nekim drugim oblikom samoizrade iz žice. Neki detalji su dijelovi iz Mini Art Models setova (boce), naljepnice su većinom od tvrtke Fallout Hobbies. Većina "weathering" efekata su napravljena pomoću ulja, oilbrusher-a, wash-eva i pigmenata firme Ammo by Mig Jimenez. Ostali pigmenti su od Model Display Products.

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Najnoviji članci

  • Učim modelirati – projekt Tomb Guard
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    For a while I’ve been wanting to learn how to sculpt miniatures from scratch, based on armatures I make myself. I consider this a very useful skill to have in the hobby as it opens up endless new possibilities for custom characters, conversions and army projects. My theory is that if I can sculpt a whole mini, I can certainly convert or sculpt parts on a mini in the future. I was recommended Greenstuff and Milliput, which are products I’ve familiarised myself with in smaller detail sculpting on previous projects. By now I have a good grip on their working time, consistency, and pliability, so I think it’s time to tackle a full sculpt. After watching a few tutorials by Tom Mason, particularly the one about making armatures, I felt ready.

    My expectations are low, as I know this is hard, and requires endless hours of practice. But if I can manage something that looks good enough to make me want to paint and play with it, I’m happy.

    This was a project for the summer, and a goal I set myself for August. Since I was planning to travel during this period, I made myself a travel kit with “all” the necessary equipment.

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    The kit contains Milliput, Greenstuff, Green Putty (a filler), superglue, hobby-knife, steel wire, pliers to cut the steel wire, a piece of cork to insert the steel wire into while working on the model, two silicone sculpting tools, two metallic sculpting tools and an old brush (to apply the green putty).

    After making the armature, and getting the pose I wanted (this is a difficult, but obviously very important step), I started by covering the whole body in a thin layer of greenstuff. I also sculpted chest muscles, although this was only for practice, as I knew I would cover all of this later with clothing/armour.

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    Working on this project, I mostly sat outside on the ground, by a table, or wherever I found a good spot when I had a little downtime. With me I always had a cup of water, some Nivea hand cream and my little kit. Since sculpting is a slow process, requiring patience and at least a few hours of curing time in between each session, I found this to be a great activity in combination with a slow summer holiday - something to do in between the daily activities.

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    I actually had no plan where I was going with this, or what kind of miniature I wanted to end up with. I’m not sure how smart this is, and wouldn’t necessarily recommend it, but for me, being my first try and all, it worked. I started from the inside, building out, and with each session, adding another layer of clothes or skin. The cape I just tried out since I happened to have an extra thin sheet of greenstuff after finishing a session, and I kept it as I like to paint capes. It’s perhaps more realistic than most miniature capes, but lacks the clear folds of a GW mini for example, and will therefore be harder to paint. But I don’t worry about that now. Painting is not a part of my sculpting concerns.

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    I eventually decided on armour for my mini, instead of clothes or muscles. Mostly because it seemed the easiest of the three. Armour is harder, stiffer, and less organic than clothes, and doesn’t require any advanced anatomical knowledge like muscles and skin. To make it simple, I made a thin sheet of Greenstuff and rolled my hobby knife handle over it—both to make it as thin as possible, and to imprint the pattern of my hobby knife onto the Greenstuff. Then I used that same knife to cut out small triangles from the thin sheet, which I glued to different parts of the armour. Different sizes of triangles were used depending on where they went on the body—big ones for the chest pieces, smaller ones for the shins.

    When I came back from my vacation, I went through my little box of bits, and found a few I liked that fit the style of what I had sculpted. This was basically for the parts of the mini that I didn’t have the skill or time to sculpt. As I had been told that hands and faces were the hardest, I delayed sculpting these until the end. But I never got around to it, and would probably have ended up ruining what was turning out to be a body I was quite happy with. So after finding hands and a face that fitted, I glued them on, covered some gaps with more greenstuff and had this:

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    I was happy at this point, but felt it could still be improved. I removed a few details from his head piece that I felt overcomplicated it, and glued these same parts to his chest instead, covering up some details there I had sculpted that I wasn’t quite happy with. I also added a handle to the lantern in his hand and a skeleton head as his belt buckle. Then I sanded a few details to smooth them out, and finally covered most of it (except the armour with the pattern I had made using my hobby knife handle) in green putty, to cover up any unevenness, gaps or other flaws in the sculpting.

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    After a zenithal prime, I had my first sculpted mini. Not perfect by any means. The lantern arm looks broken, the posing of the legs is stiff, and required me to make a strange base for it to look more natural, and in the end, I didn’t sculpt the entire mini. Also the scale is off (this mistake can be traced all the way back to the armature), so it doesn’t really fit in with other 28 or 35mm models. However, as a Tomb Guard (the lore became apparent during the later stages of sculpting), he can basically be any size - a large, living statue, guarding some kind of valuable tomb in D&D or other narrative game. Now I’ll also have more confidence going forward with other projects that require small amounts of sculpting or conversion. So all in all a worthwhile project.

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    Već neko vrijeme želim naučiti modelirati minijature od nule, na temelju armatura koje sam izrađujem. Smatram da je ovo vrlo korisna vještina u hobiju jer otvara beskrajne nove mogućnosti za prilagođene likove, pretvorbe i vojne projekte. Moja je teorija da, ako mogu izmodelirati cijelu figuru, sigurno mogu preinačiti ili izmodelirati dijelove na figurama u budućnosti. Preporučeni su mi Greenstuff i Milliput, proizvodi s kojima sam se detaljnije upoznao radeći na prethodnim projektima. Do sada sam dobro shvatio njihovo radno vrijeme, postojanost i savitljivost, pa mislim da je vrijeme da se uhvatim u koštac s potpunim modeliranjem. Nakon što sam pogledao nekoliko tutorijala Toma Masona, posebno onog o izradi armatura, osjećao sam se spremnim.

    Moja su očekivanja niska, jer znam da je ovo teško i zahtijeva beskrajne sate vježbe. Ali ako mogu napraviti nešto što izgleda dovoljno dobro da poželim ofarbati i igrati se s tim, bit ću sretan.

    Ovo je bio projekt za ljeto, a cilj koji sam si postavio za kolovoz. Budući da sam u tom razdoblju planirao putovati, napravio sam si putni neseser sa “svom” potrebnom opremom.

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    Komplet sadrži Milliput, Greenstuff, Green Putty (punilo), superljepilo, hobi nož, čeličnu žicu, kliješta za rezanje čelične žice, komad pluta u koji se umeće čelična žica tijekom rada na modelu, dva silikonska alata za oblikovanje, dva metalna alata za oblikovanje i stari kist (za nanošenje zelenog kita).

    Nakon što sam napravio armaturu i dobio željenu pozu (ovo je težak, ali očito vrlo važan korak), krenuo sam od pokrivanja cijelog tijela tankim slojem zelenila. Izmodelirao sam i prsne mišiće, iako je to bilo samo za vježbu, jer sam znao da ću sve to kasnije pokriti odjećom/oklopom.

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    Radeći na ovom projektu, uglavnom sam sjedio vani na zemlji, za stolom ili gdje god sam našao dobro mjesto kada sam imao malo vremena. Sa sobom sam uvijek imao šalicu vode, neku Nivea kremu za ruke i svoj mali neseser. Budući da je modeliranje spor proces, koji zahtijeva strpljenje i barem nekoliko sati stvrdnjavanja između svake sesije, otkrio sam da je ovo odlična aktivnost u kombinaciji s polaganim ljetnim odmorom - nešto što treba raditi između dnevnih aktivnosti.

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    Zapravo nisam imao nikakav plan kamo idem s ovim, niti kakvu minijaturu želim završiti. Nisam siguran koliko je ovo pametno i ne bih to nužno preporučio, ali za mene je, budući da mi je to bio prvi pokušaj, upalilo. Počeo sam iznutra, izgrađujući i sa svakom seansom dodajući još jedan sloj odjeće ili kože. Pelerina koju sam upravo isprobao jer sam slučajno imao dodatni tanki list Green Stuffa nakon završetka sesije i zadržao sam ga jer volim bojati pelerine. Možda je realističniji od većine minijaturnih ogrtača, ali nema jasne nabore kao na primjer GW figure i stoga će ga biti teže obojati. Ali sada ne brinem o tome. Bojanje nije dio mojih modelarskih briga.

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    Na kraju sam se odlučio za oklop za svoj mini, umjesto odjeće ili mišića. Uglavnom zato što se činilo najlakšim od ta tri. Oklop je tvrđi, čvršći i manje organski od odjeće i ne zahtijeva nikakvo napredno anatomsko znanje poput mišića i kože. Kako bih to pojednostavio, napravio sam tanku ploču Greenstuffa i prebacio dršku svog hobby noža preko njega—kako bih ga učinio što tanjim i kako bih utisnuo uzorak svog hobby noža na Greenstuff. Zatim sam tim istim nožem iz tankog lima izrezao trokutiće koje sam lijepio na različite dijelove oklopa. Korištene su različite veličine trokuta ovisno o tome gdje su išli na tijelu — veliki za dijelove prsa, manji za potkoljenice.

    Kad sam se vratio s odmora, pregledao sam svoju malu kutiju s komadićima i pronašao nekoliko koji su mi se svidjeli, a koji su odgovarali stilu onoga što sam izmodelirao. Ovo je u osnovi bilo za dijelove minija koje nisam imao vještinu ili vremena za oblikovanje. Kako su mi rekli da su ruke i lice najteži, odugovlačio sam s njihovim oblikovanjem do kraja. Ali nikad nisam stigao do toga i vjerojatno bih na kraju uništio ono što se pokazalo kao tijelo s kojim sam bio prilično zadovoljan. Dakle, nakon što sam našao ruke i lice koji mi odgovaraju, zalijepio sam ih, prekrio neke praznine s još zelenila i dobio ovo:

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    Bio sam sretan u ovom trenutku, ali osjećao sam da se još može poboljšati. Uklonio sam nekoliko detalja s njegovog ukrasa za glavu za koje sam smatrao da su prekomplicirani i umjesto toga zalijepio te iste dijelove na njegova prsa, prekrivši neke detalje koje sam izmodelirao s kojima nisam baš bio zadovoljan. Dodao sam i ručku lampionu u njegovoj ruci i glavu kostura kao kopču za remen. Zatim sam izbrusio nekoliko detalja kako bih ih izravnao i na kraju prekrio veći dio (osim oklopa s uzorkom koji sam napravio koristeći dršku svog hobi noža) zelenim kitom, kako bih prekrio sve neravnine, praznine ili druge nedostatke u oblikovanju.

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    Nakon zenitalnog primera, imao sam svoju prvu izmodeliranu mini. Nikako savršeno. Ruka lampiona izgleda slomljeno, poza nogu je ukočena i zahtijevalo je da napravim čudnu podlogu da bi izgledala prirodnije, a na kraju nisam izmodelirao cijelu figuru. Također, skala je pogrešna (ova pogreška ima ishodište u armaturi), tako da se zapravo ne uklapa u druge modele od 28 ili 35 mm. Međutim, kao čuvar grobnice (što je postalo očito tijekom kasnijih faza modeliranja), on u osnovi može biti bilo koje veličine - velika, živa statua, koja čuva neku vrstu vrijedne grobnice u D&D ili drugoj narativnoj igri. Sada ću također imati više samopouzdanja u drugim projektima koji zahtijevaju male količine modeliranja ili preinaka. Dakle, sve u svemu projekt vrijedan truda.

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    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2024-10-14 10:43:42" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-10-14 10:43:42" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(3) "102" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "2" ["first_name"]=> string(9) "Sebastian" ["last_name"]=> string(8) "Søgård" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(9) "sebastian" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(4) "sgrd" ["username"]=> string(5) "norge" ["password"]=> string(40) "4dea770e7045a97695c7dc529698e85f5dadbded" ["born"]=> string(19) "2003-01-21 09:03:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2022-01-21 09:03:12" } }
    Sebastian Søgård, 14.10.2024.
  • POSJETILI SMO: Kamping Kitbash u Gentu, Belgija
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    Last month (September 13-15) I attended Camping Kitbash in Ghent, a city in Belgium. There I hung out with other hobbyists, did my hobby, saw the sights, drank Belgian beers and took a few figures and other little things home.

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    Camping Kitbash is a three-day event dedicated to indie board games and miniatures making. This is the first edition of Kamping Kitbash, and it was held at BROEI - a repurposed old factory near the center of Ghent, and was organized through Nerdlab, a local collective that promotes the fusion of fine art and technology.

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    Throughout the weekend there were large tables where we could all model and paint miniatures, as well as loads of figures, parts, paint, tools, brushes and grenstuff for kitbashing. I met some old hobby friends from abroad, and met a lot of new people.

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    Every day of Kamping Kitbasha, at least one workshop was held. On the first day, Helge ( @wilhelminiatures ) led a workshop on modeling with polymer clay, and Terran ( @c onjuredcraft ) on face modeling for beginners. On Saturday, there was my workshop on experimental coloring, and Arjanova's ( workshop on making silicone molds and casting miniatures in resin. Tara (@manglingminis ) had a tabletop game design workshop on Sunday.

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    Pass Along Kitbshing and Pass Along Painting were fun group activities. Everyone starts making a figure and then passes it on to the next person who needs to add something. This is repeated around the entire table, and in each round the figure becomes more and more absurd. The figures that were created on Friday went through group coloring in the same way on Saturday.

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    On Sunday afternoon I held a demo of Mini Gangs, a skirmish game by Ramshackle Games.

    I tried K!LN, a mech deathmatch game designed by Daan (@mesreg ) for my thesis. I brought a couple of Daan's mechs home, so I'll play the game again once I've assembled and painted them. I got a few more indie figures for my collection directly from the people who made them.

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    Camping Kitbash had a library room where you could sit in silence and flip through old sci-fi and fantasy books and old copies of White Dwarf. The volunteers and organizers were very helpful and pleasant (you can recognize them in the photos by their pink shirts). They even cooked lunch for us every day. There were a lot of other things to see and do, I didn't have time to deal with everything. Check out @kamping_kitbash on Instagram for more photos.

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    Ghent is a nice place and I was able to do some sightseeing because I arrived the day before Camping Kitbash and left the day after. My last experience in the city was a tour of Gravensteen Castle.

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    Many thanks to Nerdlab, all the organizers and volunteers who organized this event. You have done something special and you can be proud!

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    Prošli mjesec (13.-15. rujna) prisustvovala sam Kamping Kitbash- u u Gentu, gradu u Belgiji. Tamo sam se družila s drugim hobistima, bavila se hobijem, razgledavala znamenitosti, pila belgijska piva i ponijela par figura i drugih sitnica kući.

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    Kamping Kitbash je trodnevno događanje koje se bavi indie stolnim igrama i izradom minijatura. Ovo je prvo izdanje Kamping Kitbasha, i održano je u BROEI - prenamijenjenoj staroj tvornici u blizini centra Genta, a organizirano je kroz Nerdlab, lokalni kolektiv koji se bavi promicanjem spoja likovne umjetnosti i tehnologije.

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    Tijekom cijelog vikenda na raspolaganju su bili veliki stolovi gdje smo svi mogli modelirati i bojati minijature, kao i hrpe figura, dijelova, boja, alata, kistova i grenstuffa za kitbashing. Srela sam neke stare prijatelje iz hobija iz inozemstva, i upoznala puno novih ljudi.

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    Svaki dan Kamping Kitbasha održavala se barem jedna radionica. Prvi dan je Helge (@wilhelminiatures ) vodio radionicu o modeliranju s polimernom glinom, a Terran ( @c onjuredcraft ) o modeliranju lica za početnike. U subotu je bila moja radionica o eksperimentalnom bojanju, i Arjanova ( ) o izradi kalupa iz silikona i lijevanju minijatura u rezinu. Tara (@manglingminis ) je u nedjelju imao radionicu o dizajnu tabletop igara.

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    Pass Along Kitbshing i Pass Along Painting bile su zabavne grupne aktivnosti. Svatko započne izradu figure, a zatim ga prosljeđuje sljedećoj osobi koja mora nešto dodati. To se ponavlja oko cijelog stola, a u svakoj rundi figura postaje sve apsurdnija. Figure koje su nastale u petak su u subotu prošle kroz grupno bojanje na isti način.

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    Nedjeljno poslijepodne održavala sam demo Mini Gangs , skirmish igru Ramshackle Gamesa .

    Isprobala sam K!LN, mech deathmatch igru koju je dizajnirao Daan (@mesreg ) za svoj dimplomski rad. Ponijela sam par Daanovih mechova kući, tako da ću ponovno igrati igru kad ih sastavim i obojam. Nabavila sam još nekolicinu indie figura za svoju kolekciju direktno od ljudi koji su ih izradili.

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    Kamping Kitbash je imao prostoriju s knjižnicom gdje se moglo sjediti u tišini i listati stare SF i fantasy knjige i stare primjerke White Dwarfa. Volonteri i organizatori bili su od velike pomoći i ugodni (možete ih prepoznati na fotografijama po rozim majicama). Čak su nam skuhali ručak svaki dan.Bilo je puno drugih stvari za vidjeti i raditi, nisam se sa svime stigla pozabaviti. Za više fotografija pogledajte @kamping_kitbash na Instagramu.

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    Gent je lijepo mjesto i stigla sam malo i razgledati jer sam stigla dan prije Kamping Kitbasha i otputovala dan poslije. Moje posljednje iskustvo u gradu bio je obilazak dvorca Gravensteen.

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    Veliko hvala Nerdlabu , svim organizatorima i volonterima koji su organizirali ovaj događaj. Napravili ste nešto posebno i možete biti ponosni!

    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2024-10-04 07:47:23" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-10-04 07:47:23" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(2) "54" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "2" ["first_name"]=> string(3) "Ana" ["last_name"]=> string(11) "Polanšćak" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(3) "ana" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(9) "polanscak" ["username"]=> string(3) "Ana" ["password"]=> string(0) "" ["born"]=> string(19) "2013-08-10 23:03:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2013-08-10 23:04:15" } }
    Ana Polanšćak, 04.10.2024.
  • Diorama samostana u Drugom svjetskom ratu – razmatranja o kompoziciji diorame
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    In this series of articles, I will follow the creation of a diorama of a monastery set at the end of the Second World War when the Americans had already invaded Germany, which shows a company in the middle of a rest. These articles do not actually follow the chronological creation, but are arranged according to some thematic units.

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    After reading the title, you're probably wondering what this guy is going to be talking about? Rightfully so. Probably, even I would not understand what the writer wants to say if I read such a title. Probably some philosophy. And yes, you are right. But there is a reason why I am writing this text, so please be patient and give me a chance.

    Namely, judging by a large number, and participating in an even larger number of competitions, I noticed that a lot of modelers have problems with the believability of the story of their diorama. Either they get lost in a pile of details (a kind of horror vacui), or the scene is much too big for the story it's telling (the exact opposite of horror vacui). Also, in a large number of works there is no "good" interaction between the actors or between the actors and the scene. Well, it all looks like Scotty just beamed them up in the middle of the scene.

    This prompted me to write this article to describe the creative process of creating the diorama and its transformation as I completed individual elements. The fact that when I wrote previous articles that I found a sufficient number of photos of the entire diorama with elements in various stages of the project also helped.


    How did I come up with the idea for this diorama? For my birthday, Mario and Seb gave me two models. One was an ambulance Jeep (Mario) and the other an American armored Greyhound (Seb). This prompted me to plan a diorama that will contain those two models. Soon the FB feed reminded me of a scene from RT Diorama that seemed perfect to me. A jeep coming into the square, and an armored personnel carrier between two buildings peeking out of the rubble with half the building collapsed on top of it. Fantastic! Buy Marko. When the package arrived, unfortunately, Seb's armored car didn't fit between the two buildings, so he was out of the game. At the Zagreb Cup, I visited the Hobby Chest stand and found the SDKFZ 223 model there. Darko allowed me to open the box and measure the width of the vehicle. It turned out to be 5mm narrower than the passage. Fantastic. What's even better is that I found two sets of Americans with him just to complete my diorama.

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    The figures I got were: two lying down, two lying down and playing cards, one sitting on his helmet reading something (newspaper), one standing and looking into the distance, one Jeep driver and one riding in a Jeep. Everything is super usable except maybe the one that drives. I scattered the team around the field as it seemed to me that it might work.

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    In the meantime, I had the idea to put together a MiniArt piano and set it up to play. With a bit of conversion (cutting and hand rotation) I succeeded in my plan. This required a new arrangement of pieces. The one standing will be on the hood of the battleship and will be looking towards the back of the diorama (down the road), and the others will be concentrated around the fountain. The statues will be part of the ruins.

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    At one of the hobby corners on Wednesdays, someone from the team commented that my first floor was a little empty. I dismissed the idea, but it kept bugging me. Until I realized he was right. A series of figures followed and the only one that passed was the one standing and looking into the distance. But that makes me lose crew interaction with the wreck of the battleship. So I tested how it would look like the one reading the newspaper on it. I was not unhappy with the result. The bench, on the other hand, looked too big, so I decided to fill the part not occupied by the soldier with smaller statues. They were taken out and prepared for "liberation". Let's say the Jeep driver arrives to pick them up.

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    By setting the texture, the story more or less remained the same. There I had to position the bench as well as one lying down to fit into the volume added with DAS clay.

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    In the meantime, I assembled the ambulance Jeep (the one in the pictures before was a "placeholder" from another diorama). The ambulance Jeep has a scalameria carrying a stretcher. This gave me the idea to add statues to the stretcher. But it also turned Jeep in the other direction. He leaves with the statues.

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    I was finally satisfied with the story. In fact, the turning of the Jeep and the lack of interaction of the rest of the team with the driver who releases the statues gives the impression of alienation and lack of morale in extreme conditions. Everyone does their own thing even though they are together in a small space.

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    I hope that this journey through the making of a diorama gave you at least a little insight into the process of diorama composition. Each part must make sense and be clear about why it is there. Next time, we start with painting.

    " ["content_hrv"]=> string(6915) "

    U ovoj seriji članaka pratit ću izradu diorame samostana smještenu potkraj drugog svjetskog rata kada su Amerikanci upali već u Njemačku, a koja prikazuje četu usred odmora. Ovi članci zapravo ne prate kronološki izradu, već su poredani po nekim tematskim cjelinama.

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    Pročitavši naslov, vjerojatno se pitate o čemu će sad ovaj trabunjati? S pravom. Vjerojatno ni meni ne bi bilo jasno što pisac hoće reći da pročitam takav naslov. Vjerojatno neka filozofija. I da, u pravu ste. Ali postoji razlog zašto pišem ovaj tekst stoga molim vas za strpljenje i da mi pružite šansu.

    Naime, sudeći na velikom broju, a sudjelujući na još većem broju natjecanja, primjetio sam da dosta maketara ima problema sa uvjerljivošću priče njihove diorame. Ili se zgube u hrpi detalja (svojevrsni horror vacui), ili pak scena bude puno prevelika za priču koja priča (sušta suprotnost od horrora vacui). Također, na velikom broju radova nema “dobre” interakcije između aktera ili pak između aktera i scene. Pa to sve skupa izgleda kao da ih je Scotty upravo teleportirao usred scene.

    To me potaknulo na pisanje ovoga članka kako bih opisao kreativni process nastanka diorame i njegove transformacije kako sam dovršavao pojedine elemente. Pomogla je i činjenica da kad sam pisao prethodne članke da sam našao dovoljan broj fotografija cjelokupne diorame sa elementima u raznim fazama projekta.


    Kako sam došao na ideju za ovu dioramu? Za rođendan su mi Mario i Seb poklonili dvije makete. Jedna je bila ambulantni Jeep (Mario), a druga američko oklopno vozilo Greyhound (Seb). To me potaknulo na planiranje diorame koja će sadržavati te dvije makete. Ubrzo me FB feed podsjetio na scenu od RT Diorame koja mi se činila savršena. Jeep koji dolazi na trg, a oklopnjak između dvije zgrade viri iz ruševina sa pola zgrade srušeno na njemu. Fantastično! Kupuj Marko. Kad je paket stigao, na žalost, Sebov oklopnjak nije stao između dvije zgrade pa je ispao iz igre. Na kupu Zagreb posjetio sam štand Hobby Chest-a i tamo pronašao maketu SDKFZ 223. Darko mi je dozvolio da otvorim kutiju i izmjerim širinu vozila. Ispalo je da je 5mm uži od prolaza. Fantastično. Što je još bolje kod njega sam našao i dva seta amerikanaca taman da mi popune dioramu.

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    Figure koje sam nabavio su dvojica koji leže, dvojica koji su u poluležećem stavu i kartaju, jedan koji sjedi na svojem šljemu i čita nešto (novine), jedan koji stoji i gleda u daljinu, jedan vozač Jeepa i jedan koji se vozi u Jeepu. Sve je super iskoristivo osim možda ovog koji se vozi. Ekipu sam razbacao po terenu kako mi se činilo da bi moglo funkcionirati.

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    U međuvremenu mi je pala ideja da složim jedan klavir od MiniArta i ovog koji se vozi da postavim da svira. Uz malo konvertiranja (rezanje i rotacija ruku) uspio sam u naumu. To je zahtjevalo novi raspored figura. Ovaj što stoji bit će na haubi oklopnjaka i gledat će prema zadnjem dijelu diorame (niz cestu), a ovi ostali će biti koncentrirani oko fontane. Kipovi će biti dio ruševina.

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    Na jednom od hobby kutaka srijedom, netko od ekipe je komentirao da mi je prvi kat malo prazan. Odbacio sam ideju, ali me je i dalje kopkala. Dok nisam shvatio da je u pravu. Uslijedila je rošada figura i jedina koja je pasala je ova koja stoji i gleda u daljinu. Ali time gubim interakciju ekipe sa olupinom oklopnjaka. Pa sam isprobao kako bi izgledalo ovaj koji čita novine na njemu. Nisam bio nezadovoljan rezultatom. Klupa s druge strane, je izgledala preveliko stoga sam odlučio da dio koji ne okupira vojnik zapunim manjim kipovima. Izvadili su ih van i pripremili za „oslobođenje“. Recimo da vozač Jeepa stiže po njih.

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    Postavljanjem teksture priča je manje-više ostala ista. Tu sam morao pozicionirati i klupu kao i jednog koji leži da paše u volumen dodan DAS glinamolom.

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    U međuvremenu složio sam i ambulantni Jeep (ovaj na slikama prije bio je „placeholder“ sa druge diorame). Ambulantni Jeep ima skalameriju koja nosi nosila. To mi je dalo ideju da dodam i kipove na nosila. Ali i okrenulo Jeep u drugi smjer. Odlazi sa kipovima.

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    Bio sam konačno zadovoljan pričom. Dapače, okretanje Jeepa i manjak interakcije ostatka ekipe sa vozačem koji oslobađa kipove baš daje na tom dojmu otuđenosti i manjka morala u ekstremnim uvjetima. Svako radi svoje iako su zajedno na malom prostoru.

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    Nadam se da vam je ovo putovanje nastankom diorame barem malo dočaralo proces kompozicije diorame. Svaki dio mora imati smisla i biti jasan zašto je tamo. Sljedeći put, krećemo sa bojanjem.

    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2024-08-22 08:35:07" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-08-22 09:06:50" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(2) "35" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["first_name"]=> string(5) "Marko" ["last_name"]=> string(9) "Paunović" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(5) "marko" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(8) "paunovic" ["username"]=> string(5) "marko" ["password"]=> string(40) "3bd37b326d19d1880d3b93a4b32e8fb3a90fa122" ["born"]=> string(19) "2033-03-07 20:35:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2009-06-02 20:37:03" } }
    Marko Paunović, 22.08.2024.
  • Diorama samostana u Drugom svjetskom ratu – dodavanje teksture
              array(2) {
      array(10) {
        string(3) "406"
        string(2) "35"
        string(38) "WW2 Monastery Scene – Adding Texture"
        string(64) "Diorama samostana u Drugom svjetskom ratu – dodavanje teksture"
        string(34) "ww2_monastery_scene_adding_texture"
        string(60) "diorama_samostana_u_drugom_svjetskom_ratu_dodavanje_teksture"
        string(3809) "

    In this series of articles, I will follow the creation of a diorama of a monastery set at the end of the Second World War when the Americans had already invaded Germany, which shows a company in the middle of a rest. These articles do not actually follow the chronological creation, but are arranged according to some thematic units.

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    In addition to the miniatures and models (Jeep and SDKFZ 223), the creation of which I will not describe separately in this series of articles, the addition of the floor and ceiling as well as the positioning of the fountain completed the construction of the scenic part of the diorama. (in the next article, I will deal more with composition, ideas and incorporating various parts/figures into the story of the diorama itself.) Before painting, all that remained was to add texture. The picture below shows all the materials and bits I used for the texture.

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    For the texture mixture, I used three to four types of sprinkles of various granulations, which I mixed with a mixture of water and PVA glue. The final consistency of the mixture is like a paste. You don't want it to be too thin so it doesn't leak everywhere.

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    I glued the larger parts, such as bricks and tiles, with superglue and then applied the rest of the mixture with a brush. Also, I then glued a few bricks and tiles onto the mixture (just pushed it in while the mixture was wet and let it dry).

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    Finally, I added the German SDKFZ 223 and laid the rest of the beams, tiles, bricks and other stone material on it. As with the rest of the diorama, I glued those parts together with superglue. I then mixed in more texture compound and covered certain areas of the vehicle. (before you ask, yes the vehicle is fixed and it will be complicated to paint it.)

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    " ["content_hrv"]=> string(3690) "

    U ovoj seriji članaka pratit ću izradu diorame samostana smještenu potkraj drugog svjetskog rata kada su Amerikanci upali već u Njemačku, a koja prikazuje četu usred odmora. Ovi članci zapravo ne prate kronološki izradu, već su poredani po nekim tematskim cjelinama.

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    Pored minijatura i maketa (Jeep i SDKFZ 223) čiju izradu neću zasebno opisivati u ovoj seriji članaka, dodavanjem poda i plafona kao i pozicioniranjem fontane završena je izgradnja scenskog dijela diorame. (u sljedećem članku ću se baviti više kompozicijom, idejama i ukomponiravanjem raznih dijelova/figura u samu priču diorama.) Prije bojanja ostalo je samo dodati teksturu. Na slici niže, prikazani su svi materijali i bitsi koje sam koristio za teksturu.

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    Za smjesu teksture koristio sam tri do četiri vrste posipa razne granulacije koje sam pomiješao sa smjesom vode i PVA ljepila. Konačna konzistencija smjese je poput paste. Ne želite da vam bude prerijetka kako vam ne bi curila posvuda.

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    Veće dijelove, poput cigli i crijepova sam zalijepio superljepilom te sam onda kistom nanio ostatak smjese. Također, nekolicinu cigli i crijepova sam onda naknadno zalijepio na smjesu (samo ugurao dok je smjesa bila mokra i pustio da se osuši).

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    Na kraju sam dodao njemački SDKFZ 223 i na njega položio ostatak greda, crijepova, cigli i ostalog kamenog materijala. Kao i s ostatkom diorame, te dijelove sam zalijepio superljepilom. Potom sam umiješao još smjese za teksturu i pokrio određene dijelove vozila. (prije nego što pitate, da, vozilo je fiksirano i da bit će komplicirano bojati ga.)

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    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2024-08-22 07:47:28" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-08-22 07:47:28" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(2) "35" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["first_name"]=> string(5) "Marko" ["last_name"]=> string(9) "Paunović" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(5) "marko" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(8) "paunovic" ["username"]=> string(5) "marko" ["password"]=> string(40) "3bd37b326d19d1880d3b93a4b32e8fb3a90fa122" ["born"]=> string(19) "2033-03-07 20:35:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2009-06-02 20:37:03" } }
    Marko Paunović, 22.08.2024.
  • Diorama samostana u Drugom svjetskom ratu – izrada drvenog plafona/poda
              array(2) {
      array(10) {
        string(3) "405"
        string(2) "35"
        string(53) "WW2 Monastery Scene – Making a Wooden Ceiling/Floor"
        string(73) "Diorama samostana u Drugom svjetskom ratu – izrada drvenog plafona/poda"
        string(48) "ww2_monastery_scene_making_a_wooden_ceilingfloor"
        string(68) "diorama_samostana_u_drugom_svjetskom_ratu_izrada_drvenog_plafonapoda"
        string(6366) "

    In this series of articles, I will follow the creation of a diorama of a monastery set at the end of the Second World War when the Americans had already invaded Germany, which shows a company in the middle of a rest. These articles do not actually follow the chronological creation, but are arranged according to some thematic units.

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    In this article, we start with "serious" work on the diorama. The base of the diorama is a plaster scene produced by RT Diorama. Most of the parts are made of plaster, although the set also includes laser-cut MDF parts (window and door frames), resin 3D prints (hinges, statues) and stained-glass windows in the form of printed foil. I added two more to that set. One is a fountain (also a mix of plaster casting with resin 3D printed details) and the other is 3D printed resin statues. The monastery set has great details, but also one rather big drawback. The inside of the walls is smooth - without texture or detail. Therefore, I started thinking about how to remove this deficiency. The first thing I decided was to add a ceiling (ground floor) or a floor (first floor).

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    After a bit of research, I decided that these buildings would be best suited to a wooden structure (beams) with a wooden plank floor/ceiling. I decided to make the beams from 5 mm thick balsa, which I cut into 5 x 5 mm beams about 10 cm long. When I cut them out, I beveled the edges with a scalpel.

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    I glued the beams at a right angle to get the structure. Then I made the shape of the floor/ceiling out of 2mm thick balsa. Then I cut 5 mm wide boards (approx. 5 cm long) from the same balsa, cut the edges and arranged them in the desired pattern/arrangement.

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    I will fill the space between the beams or the floor and ceiling boards with rubble. I concluded that the fastest process would be to fill only the visible holes with DAS clay and then add the rubble texture in the texturing process.

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    Finally, I decided to use the remaining beams and planks and place them when parts of the ruins. I got the volume before the texture using DAS air-drying clay.

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    " ["content_hrv"]=> string(6278) "

    U ovoj seriji članaka pratit ću izradu diorame samostana smještenu potkraj drugog svjetskog rata kada su Amerikanci upali već u Njemačku, a koja prikazuje četu usred odmora. Ovi članci zapravo ne prate kronološki izradu, već su poredani po nekim tematskim cjelinama.

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    U ovom članku počinjemo sa “ozbiljnim” radom na diorami. Osnova diorama je gipsana scena koju proizvodi RT Diorama. Većinom su dijelovi iz gipsa, iako u setu dolaze i laserski rezani MDF dijelovi (okviri prozora i vrata), rezinski 3D printovi (pante, kipovi) te vitraji u obliku printane folije. Na taj set dodao sam jos dva. Jedan je fontana (također miks gipsanog odljevka sa rezinskim 3D printanim detaljima), a drugi su 3D printani rezinski kipovi. Set samostana ima super detalje, ali i jedan dosta veliki nedostatak. Unutarnja strana zidova je glatka – bez teksture i detalja. Stoga sam se bacio na razmišljanje kako ukloniti taj nedostatak. Prvo što sam odlučio jest dodati plafon (prizemlja) odnosno pod (prvog kata).

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    Nakon malo istraživanja, odlučio sam da bi ovim zgradama najbolje odgovarala drvena konstrukcija (grede) sa podom/plafonom od drvenih dasaka. Grede sam odlučio izraditi iz 5mm debele balze koju sam narezao u 5 x 5 mm grede duljine cca 10ak cm. Kad sam ih izrezao, skalpelom sam zakosio rubove.

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    Grede sam zalijepio pod pravim kutom da dobijem konstrukciju. Potom sam od 2mm debele balze izradio oblik poda/plafona. Potom sam od iste balze izrezao 5mm široke daske (duljine cca 5 cm), zarezao rubove i složio ih u željeni uzorak/raspored.

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    Prostor između greda odnosno daski poda i plafona zapunit ću šutom. Zaključio sam da bi najbrži proces bio da popunim samo vidljive rupe sa DAS glinamolom i onda u procesu teksturiranja dodam teksturu šute.

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    Za kraj, odlučio sam iskoristiti preostale grede i daske te ih postaviti kad dijelove ruševine. Volumen prije teksture sam dobio koristeći DAS glinamol.

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    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2024-08-22 07:33:51" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-08-22 07:33:51" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(2) "35" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["first_name"]=> string(5) "Marko" ["last_name"]=> string(9) "Paunović" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(5) "marko" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(8) "paunovic" ["username"]=> string(5) "marko" ["password"]=> string(40) "3bd37b326d19d1880d3b93a4b32e8fb3a90fa122" ["born"]=> string(19) "2033-03-07 20:35:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2009-06-02 20:37:03" } }
    Marko Paunović, 22.08.2024.

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